
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Appreciating Assets: Proving Workforce Value in Your Company
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
How can HR leaders persuade financial decision-makers to view the company’s workforce as appreciating capital assets, not cost liabilities? According to Jeff Higgins, a former CFO and HR executive who now leads the Human Capital Management Institute, the key that brings HR and Finance together is data. Hear how HR leaders can present workforce data on hiring, retention, productivity and more to showcase the value of human capital using the language of finance. And learn how presenting the business case value for HR goals can convince Finance to become HR’s biggest ally.
1:09 - Why is human capital often measured as a liability?
3:54 - How can HR data improve human valuation?
5:29 - Why HR needs to "dollarize" employee metrics
7:27 - Ask the right questions in finance language
10:50 - Align issues to what drives the business
11:56 - What does HR need to track this data?
13:13 - Once data is in, what do you do with it?
16:40 - Case study: how one company saw results
Download a full-length eBook from Paychex on using HR data to drive business success at: www.paychex.com/secure/whitepapers/using-hr-data-to-drive-business-success.
Interested in bridging the HR-Finance gap at your company? Replay the webinar Jeff taught on this topic when you visit: https://pages.paychex.com/hr-finance-gap-webinar.html.
For Jeff’s instructional materials and resources on quantifying HR with data analytics, visit: www.hcmi.co/.
Why is HR data so valuable to your business? Learn more at: www.paychex.com/articles/human-resources/hr-analytics-data-driven-decisions.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
No Excuses: Personal and Professional Accountability for DEI
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Despite improvements in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace, HR leaders can sometimes be those most in need of continued personal DEI work and growth. In this continuing discussion, diversity and inclusion consultant Joe Gerstandt outlines the value gained when individuals go beyond their personal comfort zones to build greater diversity in their relationship networks, and how it can impact their organizations. (Part 2 of 2.)
Topics include:
2:57 - Life experiences impacting Joe's DEI journey
6:23 - Why HR needs to do its own DEI work
7:48 - Are HR leaders holding themselves accountable?
10:27 - The value of relationship networks
12:08 - Why personal discomfort can lead to more diverse relationships
15:12 - Employee resource groups bring visibility
17:23 - How might data and technology impact DEI in future workplaces?
What does diversity, equity, and inclusion mean in the workplace? Learn more at: www.paychex.com/articles/human-resources/diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-workplace.
Find more information on Joe, helpful resources, and his book “Social Gravity” at: http://joegerstandt.com.
Have an idea for a topic or guest for the show? Submit your suggestions at: http://payx.me/thrivetopics.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Going Beyond Lip Service in Organizational DEI
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
While many organizations craft bold statements of belief around diversity, equity, and inclusion, (DEI), a lack of clear terms and language can hamper understanding and measurable improvement, says inclusion consultant Joe Gerstandt. Further, business leaders may be unaware how critical their own exposure to others’ experiences and personal reflection journeys can be to spur behavioral change within the workplace. Hear more insights in Part 1 of this discussion on building inclusive practices into your workforce culture.
Topics include:
1:55 - Joe's journey to current DEI work
3:58 - What companies are getting right on DEI
4:55 - Critical need for common terms, language
6:46 - Behavior change, accountability is necessary
10:23 - Building inclusive behaviors into workplace culture
12:31 - Inclusion is not just an HR project
14:39 - Changing paradigms through personal journeys and ...
14:58 - exposure to others' stories and experiences.
15:52 - Inviting leaders to public commitments
How can your company develop its diversity and inclusion program? Read our article at: www.paychex.com/articles/human-resources/build-inclusive-workplace-program.
Find more information on Joe, helpful resources, and his book “Social Gravity” at: http://joegerstandt.com
Suggest a topic or guest for a coming show. Submit your ideas at: http://payx.me/pulsetopics
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
DEI: Corporate Checklist? Or Shared Goals? (Part 2)
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
How can companies shift from seeing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a checklist of “extra” HR responsibilities to embracing it as a new lens to view workplace culture? In this continuing conversation, diversity strategist and best-selling author Stacey A. Gordon discusses how HR leaders can maintain forward focus on DEI goals, and offers her insights on why there’s no such thing as diversity recruiting.
Topics include:
2:05 - 4As: Awareness, alignment, action, advocacy
2:27 - Don’t look backward on past DEI
4:14 - Why awareness drives action
6:14 - Why the "Great Resignation" is a "Re-Evaluation"
10:12 - How can smaller companies implement DEI?
13:53 - New stats suggest DEI is a measure of viability
What recruiting strategies can strengthen the diversity of your workforce? Learn more at: www.paychex.com/articles/human-resources/diverse-recruiting-strengthens-workforce.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Making DEI Sustainable in the Workplace (Part 1)
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
How can HR leaders chart a course to make diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives within the workplace an intrinsic component of business strategy? Diversity strategist and best-selling author Stacey A. Gordon discusses the 4A framework she has created as a roadmap to help business leaders make DEI a sustainable part of workplace culture and achieve true buy-in from company decision-makers. This episode launches Season 3 of the PULSE podcast with the first of a two-part series on improving DEI strategies within your workplace.
Topics Include:
2:38 - What is Stacey's "why?"
7:08 - The 4As framework for DEI strategy
11:37 - Putting DEI work in the proper order
14:20 - Top DEI pitfalls for companies
16: 27 - How to get true "buy-in" for DEI
Want a better understanding of how DEI benefits your workplace? Learn more with our article "Understanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace" at: www.paychex.com/articles/human-resources/diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-workplace.
How diverse is your company’s workforce? Glean tips to conduct a DEI audit with our article "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Guide: How to Drive Value with a DEI Audit" at www.paychex.com/articles/human-resources/dei-audit-and-guide.
Find Stacey’s book at: www.unbiasbook.com.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
HR Survey Results: Employees’ Top Concerns Amid Great Resignation
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
What are the biggest barriers reported by workers seeking new jobs in the current “Great Resignation,” as companies navigate a post-pandemic return to the office, hybrid, or remote options? What benefits do millennials, Gen Z, and seasoned workers value most when employers consider how to keep—or attract—good talent? In this episode, hear HR research expert Jeanne Meister of Future Workplace, discuss her firm’s latest findings on talent retention strategies.
Topics include:
2:07 Impact of remote vs. hybrid positions on those seeking new jobs
3:31 Current barriers in the return to office
4:59 Why workers are leaving the retail sector more than any other
6:36 Generational differences in desired benefits and the top issue today
11:43 Three steps to retain talent regardless of workers’ age or preferred benefits
15:12 The value of continued listening in the workplace
Review the latest survey of employee findings from Future Workplace and Paychex:
View Jeanne’s presentation from the Paychex 2021 Business Conference, “How to Build a Workplace for What’s Next: Top 3 Trends to Watch For,” at: paychex.com/thrive.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
HR Survey: Delta Variant, Vaccine Mandates Deter Employees’ Return to Office
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
How strongly are the delta variant and employer vaccine mandates impacting employees hesitant to return to the office? Hear HR researcher Jeanne Meister, co-founder of Future Workplace, discuss findings from her firm’s recent survey of 630 employees across the U.S., segmented by generation, industry, and work environment. In this episode, learn how employee comfort levels vary in the current environment, and which vaccine incentives appeal to different generations of workers.
2:24: Impact of delta variant on return to office
3:09: Number ready to quit if vaccines mandated by employer
5:09: Gen Z discomforts during delta variant
6:16: What vaccine incentives are valued by different generations?
7:46: How PTO factors into employer vaccine mandates
9:24: What safety measures do employees prefer for in-person work settings?
10:29: Three ways to address employee uncertainties right now
Review more statistics and findings in this survey from Jeanne and her team at: www.paychex.com/articles/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine-mandate-return-to-work.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
HR Jobs of the Future with Jeanne Meister
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
The role of HR has evolved rapidly over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, so how different might it look ten years from now? In this episode, we talk with Jeanne Meister, founder of HR advisory and research firm, Future Workplace, about the new work landscape and the skills HR professionals must have — as well as the responsibilities that organizations, as a whole, must take-on — to be able to succeed in this new era.
For more insights about the future of work from Jeanne and her team, visit www.futureworkplace.com/ebooks/2021-hr-sentiment-survey to download 2021 HR Sentiment Survey: Five Strategic Priorities for the Hybrid Workplace.
And, be sure to check out www.paychex.com/thrive to watch Jeanne’s presentation, “How to Build a Workplace for What’s Next: Top 3 Trends to Watch For.”
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Investing in Total Worker Health with Dr. Casey Chosewood
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
What if we told you your frontline managers have more influence than a doctor when it comes to the wellbeing of your employees? That’s how Dr. Casey Chosewood, Director of the Office for Total Worker Health(r) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sees it, at least.
According to Dr. Chosewood, when it comes to employee wellbeing, businesses too often focus on policies instead of programs and practices that can help alleviate the employee-related stress they’re seeing. Join us as we discuss why you might not be getting the results you want out of the workplace wellness programs you’re providing, and how you can go beyond your wellness program to foster a happy, healthy, and more engaged workforce.
If you’re looking for information about addressing employee mental health in the workplace, don’t forget to download our Guide to Workplace Mental Health at www.paychex.com/secure/whitepapers/workplace-mental-health-guide.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
The Power of Employee Wellbeing in the Workplace
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
When we think about our overall wellbeing, things like exercise and nutrition tend to come to mind first. But, our wellbeing isn't just about physical health — our job duties, expectations, stress level, and work environment can have a significant affect on our overall health and happiness, too.
Historically, businesses have been slow to embrace programs centered around employee wellbeing. But, with the COVID-19 pandemic having a significant impact on the emotional, financial, and physical health of individuals across the globe, employers can no longer wait to invest in these programs.
Join us for a discussion with Jake Flaitz, Director of Benefits and Wellbeing at Paychex, where we discuss the critical role that employee wellbeing has on your overall business success.
For information about addressing employee mental health in the workplace, download our Guide to Workplace Mental Health at www.paychex.com/secure/whitepapers/workplace-mental-health-guide.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Legal Considerations for Your Workplace Vaccination Policy
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
According to a recent Paychex survey, 79% of businesses* plan to motivate employees to get vaccinated. However, many are still wondering how to determine the role their company should play, especially given the legal complexities around vaccination policies. To help you navigate these challenges, Sheri Giger, a principal in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, office of Jackson Lewis P.C., joins host Rob Parsons to discuss the different approaches you can take when implementing a vaccination policy, how these different approaches may expose you to different levels of risk, and how new government regulations (at the Federal, state, and local levels) and emerging case laws are continuing to change the playing field.
To learn more about vaccination policies, including data on how businesses plan on managing the process, you can also download our free Workplace Vaccination Research Report at www.paychex.com/secure/whitepapers/covid-19-vaccine-and-employers.
* Based on a survey of 300 principals of U.S. companies with 2 to 500 employees between January 27-February 2, 2021.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Using Technology to Bridge Gaps in the Workplace
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
In this episode, Somi Arian, tech philosopher, filmmaker, author, and entrepreneur, talks with us about the important role technology plays in the socioeconomic status of women in the workplace; how HR professionals can use technology to help bridge the gap between Baby Boomers and Gen Z; and more.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
HR Technology and Its Impact on Business Agility
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Did you know research shows companies that have increasing levels of agility actually see better business results? In this episode, Ben Eubanks, author, speaker, and researcher of talent technologies and HR practices, talks with us about the correlation between agility and business success, and how HR technology plays a key role in business strategy.
View more from Ben Eubanks and how the right HR technology can help HR Professionals drive business performance by downloading our whitepaper, "The Future of Work: Using HR Technology to Increase Productivity."
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Burst Communications with Chris Riedl & Anita Williams Woolley
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
How is it possible for remote teams of people across different locations and time zones to communicate efficiently? For remote teams, communication is both a challenge and a priority — and it will remain so, long after the pandemic has ended.
Researchers Christoph Riedl, associate professor for Information Systems and Network Science at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University, and Anita Woolley, associate professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory at Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business, join us in this episode for a fascinating discussion about “burstiness” – the idea that remote communication is most effective when teams coordinate to communicate in rapid-fire bursts.
For more tips on managing teams, maintaining employee motivation, and adopting collaborative work tools within a virtual work environment, download our eBook, Creating a Robust Virtual Workplace.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
The Future of Work with Alison Stevens
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
2020 has challenged HR leaders in a way they never could have anticipated; while continuing to play an important strategic role in their organizations, they’ve also had to devise and implement rapid HR responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this episode, Alison Stevens, director of HR Services at Paychex, discusses the most common issues HR leaders are facing today, and what they might expect in the year ahead.
Learn more about how HR professionals are contributing to the success of their companies by downloading our whitepaper, Paychex Pulse of HR Survey: Stepping Up to Lead.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Igniting a Passion for Your Mission with Pam Sherman
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
In this episode, nationally-syndicated columnist, actor, and leadership consultant, Pam Sherman, joins us to discuss what it takes to ignite a passion for your brand’s mission in others, and the impact of authenticity and expressiveness in leadership, as well as business and organizational development. A former lawyer, Sherman now conducts programs and coaches leaders all over the world about leadership communications and how to present themselves and their mission with passion, and to find their EDGE: Explore, Dream, Grow, & Excite™. She has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, law firms, and advertising agencies, and is a highly-rated global resource for leadership groups, including, EO, Vistage Worldwide and YPO.
If you're looking to build culture and leadership in your company, check out our whitepaper, Paychex Pulse of HR Survey: Stepping Up to Lead.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Building Fanocracy Within Your Organization With David Meerman Scott
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
In this episode, marketing and sales visionary David Meerman Scott, discusses his concept of Fanocracy, and the positive effects that putting the needs and wishes of employees ahead of every other priority within your organization can have on your organization, long-term. A renowned marketing strategist, entrepreneur, and advisor to emerging companies, Scott is known for sharing real-time strategies that spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
Paychex is giving away 10 signed copies of "Fanocracy," the latest book from marketing visionary, David Meerman Scott. Interested in learning how to create a fan following for your business? Click here to enter to win your copy today!
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Josh Bersin: HR Earned a Seat at the Table. Now What?
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Renowned HR research analyst, Josh Bersin, joins the podcast to discuss how HR leaders are adapting to new responsibilities and changing priorities. Listen in as he addresses everything from the tightrope between employee engagement and work-life balance, getting more from your existing HR technology platforms, new techniques for networking with your industry peers, and the power of a positive outlook. Josh also shares the latest about the Bersin Academy, his new educational venture designed to provide HR professionals with the tools, resources, and community they need to succeed in today’s ever-changing world.
For more information on our guest and topics discussed today, visit joshbersin.com and bersinacademy.com.
Download a copy of the Paychex Pulse of HR Survey at payx.me/pulse2020.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Leading With Inclusion With Dr. Deanna Kimbrel
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
In this episode, Paychex’s Diversity and Inclusion Project Manager, Dr. Deanna Kimbrel, discusses the importance of companies “leading with inclusion” in order to attract and retain diversity in the workplace, as well as how to become an inclusive leader, and what HR leaders can do to adopt an inclusive culture within their organization. Dr. Kimbrel brings more than 13 years of organizational development, human resources, and higher education experience to Paychex, where she focuses on enterprise-wide education, systemic interventions, and cultivating a sense of community and opportunity for all.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Monday Jun 29, 2020
Leading During and After a Crisis with Cy Wakeman
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
In this episode, New York Times best-selling author and international leadership expert, Cy Wakeman, joins us to discuss the importance of evolution in the workplace, how leadership has changed amid the COVID-19 health crisis, and how business leaders can develop resiliency within the “new normal.” A dynamic keynote speaker, business consultant, and global thought leader with over 25 years of experience, Cy Wakeman brings a revolutionary new approach to leadership that has helped organizations and individuals all over the world learn to ditch the drama and turn excuses into results.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Emerging from the Great Pause with Steve Gilliland
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
In this episode, renowned motivational speaker and storyteller, Steve Gilliland, joins us to discuss how leadership has changed in light of the pandemic and things business leaders should keep in mind as their teams return to work. A member of the Speaker Hall of Fame, Steve is a celebrated motivational speaker and storyteller, a best-selling author and a successful business leader. Speaking the language of other business leaders, his books and other resources identify practical lessons that help grow people and the businesses they run.
The information presented in this podcast, and that is further provided by the presenter, should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and should not substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice in which the facts and circumstances may warrant. We encourage you to consult legal counsel as it pertains to your own unique situation(s) and/or with any specific legal questions you may have.

Monday Apr 06, 2020
HR and the Human Side of Covid-19 with Trish McFarlane and Steve Boese
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
In this special edition podcast, we’re joined by Trish McFarlane and Steve Boese to discuss the personal and professional impact of the coronavirus pandemic on HR practitioners. Trish and Steve lead H3HR Advisors, a full-service Human Capital Management consulting and advisory firm. They also host the HR Happy Hour podcast, the HR industry’s longest continuously running internet radio show and podcast. Listen in as we discuss why this is such an unprecedented challenge today, and why it presents such a unique opportunity for HR professionals to create a better tomorrow.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Upskilling the Modern Learner with Jody Stolt
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Today’s learner is mobile, digital, and often remote. They want their information just in time. They want it when and how they want it, and they don't want to be bored. In this episode, we discuss this new dynamic with Jody Stolt, Director of Leadership and Development at Paychex, one of the top training organizations in the world. Hear her thoughts on how to meet the modern learner on their terms – and on their phones – and deliver a training experience that engages, upskills, and immerses them in company culture.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
The Future of HR: 5 Big Ideas from Johnny Taylor
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
We’re disrupting HR like you’ve never seen. Don’t miss these hot topics on HR issues, such as the changing role of HR, the future of technology, and the importance of finding top talent.
In this episode, Johnny Taylor, president and the CEO of Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), joins us with wit, wisdom, and insights on HR trends in 2020.

Monday Jan 06, 2020
5 Ways to Build Your Best Workforce with Meghan Biro
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Building a workforce requires hiring the best talent, creating a culture of collaboration and retention, and using technology to help realize employee potential. In this podcast you’ll hear about key trends from the Paychex Pulse of HR Survey, and learn how to shape your workforce to drive results.
Our guest speaker is Meghan Biro, CEO of TalentCulture. Meghan is a top online influencer who writes about HR and talent management for Forbes and SHRM, among others. She is globally recognized for her insights about the future of HR and serves on the boards of leading HR and technology brands.

Monday Dec 02, 2019
Payroll Innovation with Trish McFarlane
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Rarely do we see the words “payroll” and “innovation” used in the same paragraph, let alone next to each other. In this conversation with HR advisor and analyst Trish McFarlane, we discuss how that is all changing, and how new payroll innovations are helping today’s leaders meet the needs and expectations of the modern workforce.

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
The Changing Face of HR with George LaRocque
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
For the modern HR professional, there are many new trends and imperatives that are driving a new approach and role. In this discussion with HR technology analyst George LaRocque, learn about the areas where you should focus your attention as you strive to make a positive business impact on your organization.

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Holistic Wellbeing with Steve Boese
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Traditionally, wellness has been thought of in a physically healthy sense. But over time, organizations have found that thinking about wellbeing in a more comprehensive manner is not only preferable and better for the employees, but also better for the organization.
Listen to this wide-ranging conversation with Steve Boese, Co-Founder of H3 HR Advisors, Inc., as we discuss what a more holistic approach to wellbeing really means, and what steps you can take to put it into action in your organization.

Friday Jun 21, 2019
Performance Management with Laurie Zaucha
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
For many people, the annual performance review is a staple of company life. But do employees see value in the process? Is it a helpful tool for driving performance and development? Is it linked to business cycles and goals, so that the overall results of the company can be improved?
Join our thoughtful conversation with Laurie Zaucha, Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development at Paychex, as we discuss how to rethink your approach to the annual performance review, and move your organization to a more productive growth mindset.

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Employee Turnover with William Tincup
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
When it comes to turnover, the last thing you want to do is be blindsided. Do you know what factors are driving turnover in your organization? How does it affect your succession plan? How do personalization, skills development, and career-pathing come into play?
Join this lively and engaging conversation with William Tincup, President of RecruitingDaily, as we discuss how to proactively – and reactively – think about the effects of employee turnover on your organization, in ways both good and bad.

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Manager Onboarding with Sharlyn Lauby
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Onboarding is a key aspect of employee retention. Managers are an essential component of this critical activity. So why aren’t more managers being trained in onboarding new employees?
Join our conversation with consultant and HR Bartender blog founder Sharlyn Lauby as we discuss how giving managers the tools to successfully onboard new employees can help set your business up for success. It’s a lively and thought-provoking conversation that will be sure to spark new ideas for you and your team.